Plain English Guide to Regulations
Solid/Hazardous Waste Management

Obtaining an EPA Identification Number

RCRA regulations require Small Quantity Generators (SQG) and Large Quantity Generators (LQG) to obtain an EPA identification number. Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG) are exempt (except in some states). EPA and states use these 12-character numbers to monitor and track hazardous waste activities. You will need to use your identification number when you send waste off site to be managed.

To obtain an EPA ID number, you should:

  • Complete EPA Form 8700-12 using this guide.
  • Use the electronic system to send the completed form to your state hazardous waste contact. [Note: EPA has electronic reporting options available for the 8700-12/Site ID form in states that have opted in to using the electronic system. Please check with your state environmental agency to see if the electronic system is available to you.]

EPA and state agencies record the information on the form and assign an EPA Identification Number to the site identified on your form. The EPA number stays with the property when ownership changes. If you move your business, you must notify EPA or the state of your new location and submit a new form. If another business previously handled hazardous waste at this location and obtained an EPA Identification Number, you will be assigned the same number after you have notified EPA that you have moved to this location. Otherwise, EPA will assign you a new identification number.



The information contained in this site is provided for your review and convenience. It is not intended to provide legal advice with respect to any federal, state, or local regulation.
You should consult with legal counsel and appropriate authorities before interpreting any regulations or undertaking any specific course of action.

Please note that many of the regulatory discussions on STERC refer to federal regulations. In many cases, states or local governments have promulgated relevant rules and standards
that are different and/or more stringent than the federal regulations. Therefore, to assure full compliance, you should investigate and comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.