Headquarters, US EPA
401 M St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20460
Date: November 7, 1995
To: Davika Misir, New York Department of Environmental
Fr: Mark Ingle, Project Officer, Metal Products and Machinery,
Phase II
Re: Classification of Engraving Process
On November 2, 1995, you faxed me some information on an engraving
process and asked for an EPA category determination. Based on
an analysis of the 40 CFR 433, "Metal Finishing" category
requirements, the process in question would not be covered.
Attached is a copy of the 40 CFR 433 "Metal Finishing"
regulation. As shown in section 40 CFR 433.10 (c), ". . .
metallic platemaking and gravure cylinder preparation conducted
in publishing facilities; . . ." are operations that are
specifically exempt from regulation. In your November 2, 1995
fax transmission, the process in question that you described is
typical of techniques used to make printing plates (i.e., a pattern
is etched or engraved into a surface to hold ink) and appears
to be conducted in a publishing or printing plant. Thus, because
the technology employed is basically that of making printing plates
and the operation is performed at a printing plant, the process
in question satisfies the 40 CFR 433.10 (c) criteria for not covering
this process under 40 CFR 433.
The Federal EPA does not have any other categorical standards
related to the manufacture of printing plates. As such, you are
free to apply applicable local limits in the development of a
permit for the process in question.
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please
feel free to call me at (202) 260-7191.