June 10, 1996
Mr. Phil Bramlage
Pinellas County Utilities
14850, 118 Ave. North
Largo, FL 34644
Dear Mr. Bramlage:
As we discussed during our May 28, 1996
telephone conversation, the Metal Finishing (40 CFR 433) categorical
standard uses a series of six "trigger" processes (i.e.,
electroplating, electroless plating, anodizing, coating, chemical
etching and milling, and printed circuit board manufacture) as
the basis for determining rule applicability. If any of these
six "trigger" processes are present at a facility, then
effluent from the six "trigger" processes and effluent
from all of the forty other processes listed in the 40 CFR 433
regulation are covered. The term "present" in the regulatory
applicability section means that one of the "trigger"
operations is conducted at the site. Because the term "present"
is not qualified with either discharge status or wastewater flow
rate considerations, EPA has consistently interpreted the term
"present" in terms of an operation being conducted at
a site. Unfortunately, EPA does not have documents that define
this policy in specific detail. However, it has been EPA policy
since implementation of this rule to define an operation as "present"
if it is performed at the industrial site, regardless of flow
or other discharge considerations.
I hope you find the attached information
useful. If you need any other information, please feel free to
call me at (202) 260-7191.
Mark Ingle
MP&M Phase II Project Officer