AUG. 18, 1997 Mr. Frank Clay
Dear Mr. Clay: I have enclosed the response from Mr. Gene Riley of the Emission Measurement Center to the questions in your two letters you wrote to me. In response to one of your questions regarding the criteria to be used to establish the facility production rate for the compliance test and to address plating process interruptions during the compliance test which Mr, Riley deferred to the Emission Standards Division, I have included the statement from the General Provisions section 63.7(e). This section relates to the conduct of performance tests and parts of which states that the performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions based on representative performance (i e., performance based on normal operating conditions) of the affected source. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test. As such, no performance test should be conducted during process interruptions or malfunctions. Also, it maybe advantageous for the source to test during a range of process operations that will ensure compliance during all operating conditions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Riley or me. Thank you for your interest and patience. Sincerely, Lalit Banker
- If the pH is not greater than 8.5, reagent should be added to the solution until it is 0.5 N and the sample should be rerun (what exactly does rerun mean? - rerun the sample run; rerun the pH indicator test?). See Reference Method 306, Section 5.1c. EPA Response - we agree that this instruction needs clarification. If the measured pH of the sample does not meet the specified criteria, the collected sample is to be discarded and a replacement sample collected (e.g. another test run conducted). However, it should be recognized that this pH requirement is applicable only for Cr+6 determinations and does not apply to total chromium samples. Additional clarification will be proposed in the Federal Register package scheduled for release this year.
Issue 2- Mr. Clay makes the point that the sodium bicarbonate sampling solution does not ever reach a pH of 8.5. Also, he states that the solution pH was not checked during performance of the NESHAP background testing and he doubts that anyone is actually checking the pH now. Mr. Clay also raises concerns regarding the normality increase of the sodium bicarbonate solution from 0.1 N to 0.5 N to accommodate the acidic emissions. Is it necessary to measure the impinger solution pH? Can a normality of 0.5 N be obtained with the sodium bicarbonate solution? EPA Response - Mr. Clay is correct in regard to the pH of the sodium bicarbonate; the pH of the sodium bicarbonate solution does not reach 8.5. This oversight will be corrected to read a pH of 8.0 in the proposed revisions, Again, this specified pH requirement is applicable for Cr+6 determinations only and does not apply to total chromium samples. Methods 306 and 306A require that the pH be measured and verified during Cr+6 sample recovery. This procedural verification will still be required for any Cr+6 determinations. The specified pH range (>8.0) is cited by a 1989 paper entitled, "Sampling And Analytical Methodology For Measurement of Low Levels of Hexavalent Chromium From Stationary Sources"; S.C. Steinsberger, A.C. Carver, W.G. DeWees, J.E. Knoll, F.E. Butler, M.R. Midget; Proceedings of the 1989 EPA/A&WMA International Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA 1989, pp. 308-313. Dr. Steinsberger work indicates that collecting the Cr+6 at pHs above 8 prevents conversion of Cr+6 to Cr+3. An EMC laboratory check of the sodium bicarbonate solutions of 0.1 N and 0.5 N yielded pH results of >8.0 for both solutions.
Issue 3 - Is it necessary to filter Methods 306 and 306A Cr+6 samples? EPA Response - See attached EPA Letter dated May 22, 1997 from William Hunt to Frank Clay.
Issue 4 - Method 306 guidelines on sample storage and sample holding times we unclear. Should Cr+6 air samples be refrigerated during shipping and should the holding time prior to analysis be only twenty-four hours? EPA Response - current plans are to revise Methods 306 and 306A to include the requirements for sample storage/shipping along with sample holding times, The following specifications were developed from discussions with EPA and consultant analysts as well as the review of SW-846 OSW Method 7199, "Determination of Hexavalent Chromium In Drinking Water, Groundwater, and Industrial Wastewater Effluents by Ion Chromatography", Section 6.3. 1- Samples to be analyzed for Cr+6 must be shipped and stored at 4 deg. C. 2- Samples to be analyzed for total chromium need not be refrigerated. 3- Samples to be analyzed for Cr+6 shall be analyzed within 14 days of collection. 4- Samples to be analyzed for total chromium shall be analyzed within 60 days of collection.
Issue 5 - What criteria should be used to establish the facility production rate for the compliance test? What criteria should be established to address plating process interruptions during the compliance test?
EPA Response - EMC defers to ESD on these issues.
Issue 6 - The Applicability and Principle section of Method 306A contains the following sentence: "This method is applicable under ambient moisture, air, and temperature conditions," Mr. Clay notes that this sentence is confusing to the state agency staff and should be deleted. In particular, the phrase has been interpreted by some to exclude the use of Method 306A when scrubber systems are used as controls at the electroplating sources. This text is not included in M306 and should not be included in M-306A.
3 EPA Response - We agree that the intent of the sentence can be misinterpreted. The key words of concern are "ambient moisture, air, and temperature conditions". Most electroplater sources with or without emission control devices usually operate their systems under conditions that are at or near ambient temperature and moisture. Either Method 306 or 306A can be used to measure chrome emissions from most of these chromeplater sources. Method 306 is capable of measuring actual stack conditions during the testing: stack gas velocity, volumetric flowrate, stack moisture and stack gas temperatures. Whereas, Method 306A is designed to assume ambient moisture conditions (2 percent) and the average (beginning and end) and/or ambient conditions for the stack temperatures. We believe that a distinction between the two methods should be made and plan to propose revisions to Method 306A as follows: "This method is applicable under nominal ambient moisture, air, and temperature conditions; this applicability also applies to sources controlled by wet scrubbers. - Can DI water be substituted for the alkaline reagents in the Methods 306 and 306A trains?
EPA Response - We consulted several EPA and consultant inorganic chemists on this question. The overall response was that successful Cr+6 emissions collection requires the pH of the collection reagent solution to be at a pH of 8.0 or greater. When considering use of DI water for total chromium collection, the response was that there is no data to support this scenario. Additional literature searches including the 1986 Greensboro emission test report that Mr. Clay recommended are planned for review to research this recommended scenario. EPA would welcome any Method 301 validation data that would support an alternate Method 306 impinger reagent.
Issue 2 - If the analysis is to be performed for total chromium, does it matter if some of the hexavalent chromium converts to the trivalent form prior to analysis?
EPA Response - As long as the sample is being analyzed for total chromium, conversion of Cr+6 to trivalent chrome is not a problem. If, the sample is to be analyzed for Cr+6, this conversion does become important, as a negative bias may result. As mentioned previously, the scientific literature supports the requirement that Cr+6 samples must remain in a alkaline matrix (> 8.0 pH) until analysis. 4
Issue 3 - Mr. Clays letter proposes that Method 306A be specified as an option for use in sampling a control device that has multiple inlets ducted to it. Many of these inlets do not transport chrome emissions but do add dilution air to the stack emission stream. Initially, it was believed that the calculations to determine the sampling times and alternative emission limits would be too complicated for the general layman who maybe performing the Method 306A testing. However, a number of testers are requesting that Method 306A be an option for these types of sources. EPA Response - We agree with this recommendation and have already provided several regions with technical guidance in approving the use of Method 306A as an alternative to the testing procedures of paragraph 63.344(e) of Subpart N. Our current plans are to prepare an EMTIC Guideline Document that addresses this issue. The Guideline Document should be available on the EMTIC BBS in July of 1997. This Guideline Document could be used to develop regulatory language to amend Subpart N. We recommend that you consider this proposed amendment. Also see letter dated May 22, 1997 to Mr. Clay from William Hunt for additional information on this subject.
Issue 4 - Mr. Clay presents a series of example calculations supporting a reduction of the lengthy sampling times often required for testing. When multiple sources (affected and non- affected) are ducted to a common device, sampling times are increased to allow for dilution air without chrome emissions. Mr. Clays approach is based on obtaining a sufficient sample to achieve five (5) times the minimum detection limit of the analytical method. EPA Response - Requests for modified approaches must be sent to the delegated authority (Region or State) for approval. Supporting documentation (similar to what Mr. Clay has provided) must be provided with each request. Similar requests have been approved by the EPA Regional Office, as a minor alternative method, on a case-by-case basis.
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