Mr. Dan Grieszmer
Hadronics, Incorporated
4570 Steel Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Dear Mr. Grieszmer:
I am writing to approve the compliance monitoring and work practice
standards proposed by Hadronics for the Number 6 hard chromium
electroplating tank. This tank is subject to the National Emission
Standards for Chromium Emissions From Hard and Decorative Chromium
Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks ("Chrome Plating
NESHAP") (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart N). Because this tank uses
an air pollution control device not discussed in the Chrome Plating
NESHAP, § 63.343(d) requires that the owner or operator must
submit a description of the control device, test results, a copy
of the operation and maintenance plan, and the operating parameters
that will be monitored to show continuous compliance with the
standards. The compliance monitoring and work practice standards
must be approved by the Administrator as stated in § 63.342(f)(3)(C)
and § 63.343(d).
Hamilton County Environmental Services forwarded your letters
to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
on January 26, 1996 and February 14, 1996. These letters detail
the scheduled performance test for the Number 6 hard chromium
electroplating tank at the Hadronics facility, the control devices
present on this tank, the operation and maintenance plan (including
work practice standards), and the compliance monitoring methods.
Following a telephone conversation on February 29, 1996, with
Sarah Miller, of my staff, you submitted a revision to the work
practice standards. Your submittal increased the frequency of
the wash down schedule on the packed bed mist eliminator from
once per quarter to once monthly and included a yearly removal
and cleaning of the packed bed media. This revision was submitted
by facsimile on March 1, 1996, and replaces that section of the
operation and maintenance plan.
The U.S. EPA approves the work practice standards proposed by
Hadronics in the operation and maintenance plan submitted on February
14, 1996 for the tank, polypropylene balls, primary mist eliminator,
ductwork, manometer/Magnehelic gauge, and fan, and the work practice
standards for the packed bed mist eliminator as revised in the
March 1, 1996, submission. Additionally, U.S. EPA approves the
compliance monitoring standards submitted on February 14, 1996.
As stated, Hadronics must check daily that the polypropylene balls
cover a minimum of 75% of the tank. Additionally, the pressure
drop across the primary mist eliminator and packed bed mist eliminator
must be checked and recorded on a daily basis. Mirroring the policy
for the control devices discussed in the Chrome Plating NESHAP,
you may conduct multiple performance tests to establish a range
of compliant pressure drop values, or you may set as the complaint
value the average pressure drop measured over the three test runs
of one performance test and accept +1 inch water column
from this value as the compliant range.
While approving the work practice and compliance monitoring standards
submitted by Hadronics, U.S. EPA does recommend that Hadronics
modify the operation and maintenance plan before the compliance
date. The current plan does not adequately address procedures
for identifying and correcting equipment and process malfunctions
as required by § 63.342(f)(3). The results from stack testing
and the revised operation and maintenance plan should be submitted
to U.S. EPA. These submissions will complete the requirement of
§ 63.343(d).
The U.S. EPA does not object to performance testing of the Number
6 tank on the proposed date of March 27, 1996, assuming that Hamilton
County Environmental Services agrees. Both agencies should be
notified of the finalized testing date. If the performance testing
at the Number 6 tank at Hadronics does not meet the limit in the
Chrome Plating NESHAP, U.S. EPA recommends that another control
device, such as a composite mesh-pad system or a packed bed scrubber,
replace the current controls. If the current controls are replaced,
the work practice and continuous monitoring standards approved
here will no longer apply.
Thank you for your submission. Please keep this letter with your
operation and maintenance plan and contact Sarah Miller at (312)
886-6088 if you have any questions or need additional information.
Valdas V. Adamkus
Regional Administrator
cc: Lee Gruber
Hamilton County Environmental Services
1632 Central Parkway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45210
Wendell Turner
659 Van Meter Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Sherri Swihart, Ohio EPA
Al Vervaert, OAQPS
Robin Segall, OAQPS
Greg Waldrip, OECA