Lawrence W. Mitchell
Gould Electronics, Inc.
35129 Curtis Boulevard
Eastlake, Ohio 44095-4001
Dear Mr. Mitchell:
This is in response to your October 16, 1995, request for applicability
determination of the National Emission Standards for Chromium
Emissions From Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and
Chromium Anodizing Tanks ("Chrome Plating NESHAP") (60
FR 4948, January 25, 1995) regarding four tanks (the "JTC"
tanks) at the McConnelsville facility of Gould Electronics, Inc.
The information in your October 16, 1995, letter was supplemented
by a follow-up telephone conversation on December 6, 1995, and
a voice mail message on December 8, 1995.
As stated in the letter and telephone conversation, the "JTC"
tanks are used for a conversion coating, or chromating, process
in which a small electrical current is used to accelerate the
deposition of the chromium coating. This chromating process plates
a thin layer of chrome (III) onto an electronic grade copper foil
to provide protection during shipment and storage before use.
The finished product is used in the manufacture of printed wiring
On the basis of the information provided by Gould Electronics,
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has
concluded that the "JTC" tanks are not subject to the
Chrome Plating NESHAP. The concentration of chromic acid utilized
in the "JTC" tanks are far below the concentrations
of 30 to 50 ounces per gallon traditionally used in decorative
or hard chromium electroplating. Similarly, the current density
employed in the "JTC" tanks is well below the density
range typically used in chromium electroplating. These process
parameters suggest that only very low levels of chromic acid mist
are produced in the chromating process.
Please understand that this determination was based upon the solution
concentration and process parameters provided by Gould Electronics.
Any changes in the plating characteristics or bath operating
parameters could render the tanks subject to the Chrome Plating
NESHAP and would require reevaluation by U.S. EPA. Please contact
Sarah Miller at (312) 886-6088 if you have questions or need additional
Valdas V. Adamkus
Regional Administrator
cc: Greg Waldrip, OECA
Sherri Swihart, Ohio EPA