Historical Articles

Industry News

December, 1949

New York Job Plating Shops

The October issue of The Monthly Bulletin of the Masters Electroplating Association, 123 William Street, New York City, for the first time in many months reported a substantial increase in rate of operations. The 56.2 per cent for October, 1949 compares favorably with the 56.0 per cent for October, 1948 and adds 5.7 per cent to the September, 1949 figure. The data is beclouded by the fact that 10 shops are still strike bound and not reporting.

Water Pollution

The recently organized Water Pollution Control Advisory Board at its second meeting in the beginning of October adopted recommendations to assist the Public Health Service of the Federal Security Agency in carrying out its farreaching program to improve and safeguard the nations water resource. Among them were that a firm policy be pursued to insure the abatement of pollution of interstate waters, that the "essentials" of a uniform state law be prepared which could be adopted in part or in whole by states interested in strengthening their water pollution control activities, that special grants for study and research projects having sectional or national significance be continued and that preference be given to projects in which industry cooperates by supplying funds or skills, and that a technical committee be established to review projects for special funds and pass on allotments to be approved finally by the Public Health Service.



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