Historical Articles
July, 1954 issue of Plating
Tube Division, Radio Corporation of America, Lancaster, Pa.
This article describes some unusual plating applications used in
the production of electron tubes for the television field.
The plating applications described
are used primarily for functional purposes rather than for
the sake of appearance. Special care is taken to exclude contamination
from plated
coatings used on the interior surfaces of tubes because very
amounts of contaminants may impair the life or performance
of the tubes. Care also
is taken to insure uniformity of thickness, especially in tubes
in which glass-to-metal seals are used. Among the processes described
is the plating
of fine mesh screens for use in television camera tubes.
Electroplating of tube parts at- the plant of the author’s
employer accomplishes such functional objectives as increasing surface
or increasing corrosion resistance or preparing parts for brazing.
This paper discusses some unusual applications of plating techniques
in the
production of tubes for use in television.
Special care must be taken
to exclude all impurities from plating baths used for tube parts because
the presence of even very small
of contaminants the finished assembly may impair tube life or performance.
For example, traces of lead in the order of 0.01 per cent in copper
salts have been known to cause electrical shorts and poisoning
of the cathode in power tubes whose parts were plated in a bath made
up with
those salts.
Lead, like zinc and cadmium, is classified as a relatively volatile
material. At the low pressures and high temperatures at which most
power tubes operate,
these metals volatilize and deposit on the cooler nonconducting
of the tube.
Because it is so
important to prevent contamination, the facilities of a complete analytical
are available to the-
department of the author’s plant. All baths are checked for
impurities at least once a month by complete chemical analyses
and twice a month by
analysis. If as little as 0.01 per cent of lead, cadmium, or zinc
is found to be present in the plating baths, an attempt is made
to remove
impurities by means of low current density electrolysis. In some
cases (for example, in a gold plating bath) it has been found more
to recover the plating metal (gold) and make-up a fresh bath than
to try to remove the metallic contamination. Brighteners used in
the bright
and silver baths also are checked once a month by means of a Hull-cell
test. Most baths are filtered continuously, and all are filtered
at least once a week.
Several inspectors are employed
full time to check quality and uniformity of thickness of the plating.
magnetic type instrument
(Magne Gage,
manufactured by American Instrument Company, Inc., Silver Spring,
Md.) is used to measure
thickness when magnetic materials are involved. When this instrument
is not adaptable, a cross-sectional method is used.
During the
processing of tube parts, the plating must often withstand firing
(inert atmosphere heat-treatment) at temperatures as high
as 100° C
below the melting point of the metal. Because any tendency
to peel or blister is readily apparent at these temperatures,
in the normal cleaning
schedules due to substandard’ materials or carelessness
will be revealed immediately. These normal cleaning schedules
are the same as
at any plating
establishment and include alkaline electrocleaning, acid pickling,
nickel strike for stainless steel, and several others.
Fig 1. Aperture hole having a diameter of 0.031 inch before tumbling,
magnification 60X. |
Fig. 2. Aperture hole have a diameter of 0.031 inch after tumbling,
magnification 60X. |
The general product line at the plant of the author’s employer
can be broken down into three main fields— kinescopes, pickup tubes
and photo tubes, and power tubes. The kinescope is the heart
of the television set, the tube on which the picture appears. Electroplating
on kinescopes
represents a large volume of the work performed in the plating
department, but requires very little variety.
Metal finishing operations
on kinescopes are applied only
to the stainless steel parts used in the electron gun and
dipping in acid, electropolishing, and some barrel plating
with gold. The parts
having apertures through which the electron beam is focused,
for example, are tumbled after forming to remove-burrs.
Figs. 1 and
2 show the edges
of the aperture before and after tumbling. In different
kinescopes, these holes vary in diameter from 0.020 inch to 0.400 inch.
A very small burr,
of the order of 0.005 inch, on the inside of the hole may
be enough to interfere with the focusing of the picture.
the tumbling operation, the gun parts are either bright dipped in
acid or fired- in a furnace containing
a dry hydrogen
to remove
surface contamination. The dew-point of the hydrogen
used is approximately -60° C. Dry hydrogen firing cannot
be used on parts which are required to act as supports
because the high temperatures (1100° C) tend to
recrystallize the metal, and thus anneal or soften it.
For some applications, the parts having apertures also
are barrel plated with gold to decrease
secondary emission. This phenomenon is described later.
all plating processes on kinescope parts, great care
is necessary to exclude impurities from the interior
of the
tube. The cathode
used as an
electron emitter in kinescopes is coated with a layer
of mixed powdered oxides of barium, strontium, and
calcium which is
poisoned very easily
by slight traces of impurities. As little as 0.5 parts
per million of chlorides, for example, may cause slumping
and poor
life in a tube having
an oxide coated cathode. When hydrochloric acid pickling
or trichlorethylene vapor degreasing is used, therefore,
all traces
of chlorides
must be rinsed from the parts. The rinsing is accom-plished
usually by agitation
of the
parts for periods of 5 to 30 minutes in distilled or
water. The time required for rinsing depends upon the
complexity of the
shape of the
Pickup Tubes and Phototubes
”Pickup” tubes are used in television cameras to pick
up the images which are seen on the kinescopes. There are several types
of pickup tubes,
including the image orthicon, which is used for studio
and outdoor pickup, the iconoscope, which is used today mainly for movie
pickup, and -the
vidicon.* The vidicon camera is used in many industries
to watch dangerous operations
or hard-to-get-at meters, dials, and instruments.
Phototubes are included in this general classification because they also
contain light-sensitive
The most unique application
of plating in television pickup tubes is in the production of fine
or nickel mesh
screens for
use in
image orthicons
and vidicons. These mesh screens are made on a
glass master into which two perpendicular sets of grooves
have been
etched. The
number of grooves
per inch may be 500 or 1000, depending on the tube
type for which the screens are intended. A conductive
of palladium
sputtered onto the glass
master in a vacuum and is then rubbed off the surface
of the master to leave a metallic film of palladium
in the
grooves. The master
is plated
in an acid copper plating bath or a bright nickel
plating bath,
and the plated mesh screen is peeled off and dried.
The adherence of
the palladium
to the glass is adjusted carefully so that the
mesh separates easily from the master. The mesh screens
are inspected
carefully in a
dust-free room
for holes, tears, and build-up of plating. Because
the mesh screen is part of the section of the tube
stores the
image until
it is picked up
by the electron beam, a very- small defect in the
plating on the screen or a speck of dust on it
is magnified
many times
in the
final picture
on the receiver kinescope.. A defective mesh screen
would annoy millions of
people watching a television program. Figs. 3,
4, and 5 illustrate the relative fineness of these mesh
3. 1000-line-per-inch mesh screen,
magnification 50X. |
Fig. 4. Nylon stocking, magnification 50X. |
Fig. 5. Mesh screen ready for mounting in image orthicon |
Some types of camera
tubes and phototubes contain a photosensitive surface which emits electrons
when exposed
to light.
This surface is produced by
the evaporation in a vacuum of a film of silver-bismuth
alloy, or its equivalent, onto the base metal
glass. The evaporator
a platinum plated
molybdenum-tungsten alloy wire. When this wire
is plated, an attempt is made to obtain a dark,
which can
be wet easily
by the melted
alloy immediately prior to evaporation. A smooth
platinum surface causes the molten alloy to ball
up and fall
In addition to the two plating
applications described above, the metal portions of the outer surface
of some phototubes
are plated
with a
bright nickel alloy to improve corrosion resistance
and appearance.
Power Tubes
The general classification of power tubes is
divided into two groups—large
power tubes and small power tubes. The large
power tubes are used for radio and television
transmission or industrial applications, and
small power
tubes for such applications as power supplies
of radio and television receivers, mobile radio
transmitters, and radar equipment. The plating
for these tubes constitute the major portion
of the work done by the
plating department.
The grid wires of
many power tubes are plated with’ platinum, rhodium,
or gold to minimize secondary emission. The
grid normally is placed between the cathode
and the anode of a tube to control the flow
of electrons.
When a large number of electrons are flowing,
some are bound to strike the closely
spaced grid wires and cause emission of secondary
electrons The molybdenum wire used for these
grids has a high secondary emission characteristic;
that is, when bombarded by a primary electron
from the cathode, the wire
itself can emit many secondary electrons
which would interfere with the normal operation
the tube. Plating with platinum, gold, or
rhodium changes the secondary emission characteristic
of the grid wires and improves
operation of the tubes.
Much plating also
is done on large power
tubes to increase conductivity both inside
and on
the surface
of the
tube. Fig. 6 shows a -transmitting
triode which is plated with dull silver
on the inside and bright silver on the outside.
most brighteners
for silver
plating baths contain
some form of sulfide, the type of plating
from such baths cannot be used inside these
Recent tests’ with radioactive tracers
proved conclusively that a small amount
of sulfur as sulfide is coplated with
the silver from a bright silver bath. Even
this small amount would be enough to impair
the operation of the tube.
The plating of
external parts of large power tubes such
as the triode referred
to above
presents an
interesting problem.
the tube
is exhausted (evacuated
of air and other gases to a predetermined
value) and sealed, it is sent to the
plating department
for finishing.
A typical
which is sensitive to thermal shock,
an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy, nickel, cold-rolled
steel, brazing
alloys, and copper. The cleaning
prior to plating can be readily appreciated.
A previous factory procedure for
this type of tube called for a hydrochloric
acid pickling process to remove the heat
scale produced
when the
was sea-led
to the metal
at approximately
1000° C. The use of the pickling
process gave excellent plating results,
but it
was discovered that tubes subjected to
this treatment became gassy.
Laboratory investigation proved that
the hydrochloric acid pickling step caused
hydrogen penetration and, subsequently,
gassy tubes. All large
power tubes now are scratch-brushed to
remove heat scale prior to plating. Electrocleaning
and a nickel strike complete the present
cleaning cycle.
Another case of gassy
tubes and cracked
metal resulted from the silver brazing
of parts
made from an iron-cobalt-nickel
investigation revealed that silver
solder penetrated the grains of the iron-cobalt-nickel
alloy, causing cracks in the metal
and subsequent leaks. It was discovered that
a plated layer
of nickel of
the-order of
mils (0.0006 inch)
would prevent this intergranular penetration
during the brazing
operation which
is performed usually at approximately
800° C. Fig. 7 illustrates
the intergranular penetration of the
iron-cobalt-nickel alloy by silver
solder. Fig. 8 shows the protection
by a plated layer of nickel.
6. RCA-6161 UHF transmitting tube |
7. Cross section showing penetration of iron-cobalt-nickel alloy
by silver solder, magnification 33X. |
8. Cross section showing protection afforded by the use of nickel
plating on iron-cobalt-nickel alloy, magnification 33X. |
In addition to the processes described
above, the plating department performs
much electropolishing,
of tungsten
and molybdenum, and
cataphoretic coating of cathodes
and filaments.
Electrocleaning is
a very efficient process for removing those oxides
that are formed
when tungsten
and molybdenum
leads are
heat-sealed to glass.
Essentially, this process involves
the immersion of the parts to be
deoxidized in a hot, saturated
sodium carbonate
of an a’ voltage of approximately
40 volts between the parts and
a stainless steel electrode until
parts are completely free of oxides.
This cleaning
usually takes about one minute
depending, of course, upon the
the oxide. The process differs
from the normal d-c alkaline electrocleaning
process designed to remove dirt,
grease, and oils prior to electroplating.
coating of cathodes
and filaments is, to some extent,
an electroplating
process. When
small particles
of aluminum oxide
or the carbonates of barium,
calcium, and strontium are dispersed in
an alcohol solution,
the particles
a positive charge.
A d-c
is impressed between the cathode
or filament and an electrode
in the- mixture
so that
the positively
migrate and
coat the
charged cathode or filament.
A very dense and adherent coating
is obtained
in this
This article has discussed briefly
some of the more unique and
unusual plating
necessary in the production
of tubes
for television.
Many precautions are taken
in these applications to prevent
from entering
the tubes.
of the plating
processes are performed
for some necessary reason,
and not primarily for appearance.
It is hoped
this brief discussion may contribute
to a better understanding of
some of the plating
facing the television-tube
The author wishes to express
his appreciation to Mr. R.
H. Zachariason
and Dr. G.
S. Briggs of the
RCA Tube
for their many
helpful suggestions in the
preparation of this manuscript.
1. S. E. Eaton, R. W. Fabian,
and E. H. Newton, Metal
Finishing 50,
63 64