In some respects the stale of development of Japanese electroplating
practice is ten to twenty years behind United States practice; in other
respects it parallels United States practice closely. Japanese employ
the same general plating procedures used in the United States. Their
needs include better cleaners, bright plating solutions, and better plating
equipment. The Japanese employ certain processes not used in the United
States. These include: chromium plating at room temperature; Daniell
cell copper plating; oxalic acid anodizing. Electropolishing of low carbon
steel, chromium steel, and brass is carried out commercially.
— a report—
EZRA A. BLOUNT, Editor, Products Finishing Magazine.
development of Japan’s electroplating industry has not been spurred,
as has the electroplating industry in the United States, by the demands of
the automotive and home appliance industries. These industries are not important
factors in the Japanese economy. Understandably, progress of a scientific and
engineering nature in electroplating has been slow during the past fifteen
to twenty years, and this fact, added to metal shortages and lack of consumer
demand for the products of the electroplating industry, has been a determining
factor in establishing the present position of electroplating in Japan.
has been the further disadvantage that the industry has had to depend
on private or individual research for new developments in electroplating. There
has not been the concentrated effort on development of new methods by supplier
companies that has been the blessing of the American electroplater. Japan’s
suppliers seem to confine their efforts to the importation of such products
as can be used, the manufacture of generators, rectifiers, and electrical equipment,
the manufacture of buffs and buffing compounds, buffing and polishing equipment,
tanks, and the basic chemicals without which the plating shop cannot operate.
It has remained to the few universities, research organizations, and societies
to conduct such research as was possible.
Notwithstanding the handicaps under
which it has operated in recent years, the Japanese electroplating industry
is substantial. It is estimated that there
are about 3,000 plating shops, or plants with plating facilities, in
Japan, and about 1,000 of these are in the Tokyo area. In 1949 approximately
25,000 persons were engaged in the industry, including platers, polishers,
chemists and technical men, shop owners, and managers, and it is estimated
that a great many more individuals are involved today.
Plating shops range
in size from one- or two-room shops, employing two or three persons to
fairly large plants occupying one or more buildings. Manufacturing
plants in Japan are not the large, multi-story structures that are common
the United States, but are generally made up of several one- or two-story
buildings grouped together in one area or “compound” surrounded
by a wall or strong fence. In the smaller shops one of the buildings serves
as the business
office and the owner’s home. In the larger plants, the owners do
not live on the factory premises.
1. In the polishing and buffing room of the Miyata Works, Ltd.,
steel bicycle parts are polished, employing the following cycle:
120 emery set-up wheel (dry) 220 emery set-up wheel with tripoli
as lubricant, 320 emery set-up wheel using tripoli. Polishing
wheels are made by gluing buff sections together. A cold cement
is used to set up the wheels. Polishing speed is 8,000 sfm.
(Photo courtesy Products Finishing) |
2. Cleaning lead antimony slush castings in the plant of Yamato-Gumi.
The operator in the foreground has just removed a basket load
of parts from the hot alkali soak cleaning tank. The tank,
which is kept covered except when loading and unloading, is
heated with charcoal |
A brief review of some of the electroplating operations carried on in
Japan will indicate that some of the methods used are quite similar
to those
in use in the United States; others are quite different. Another factor
is that
Japanese electroplating industry, like the entire Japanese economy, is
geared fundamentally to hand operation.
Metal polishing is accomplished
with polishing lathes and set-up wheels, followed by buffing where
such an operation is required (see Fig. 1). Backstands
coated abrasive belts are not used. Emery cake is used for lubrication
and cutting during the polishing operation. For buffing, tripoli and lime
compounds are employed. Greaseless buffing compounds used to produce a
satin finish, are rarely employed.
3. Lead antimony castings, alkali cleaned, are rinsed and
scrubbed in wood tubs filled with water, using a fine abrasive
powder resembling pumice. They are then racked for copper
plating |
4. A view of the well-arranged generator room at the Iwasaki
Communications Manufacturing Company, Ltd. |
Cleaning is done by means of trichlorethylene
degreasers, with lot caustic solutions (see Fig. 2), or by means of soap
solutions and hand scrubbing
with a type of pumice (see Fig. 3). These operations may be combined
to produce the desired results, or may be used in connection with various
pickling operations
either before or after the cleaning operation proper, One great need
of the Japanese electroplater is a counterpart of the modern, American well
cleaner, which has been designed for a specific purpose,
Pickling, acid dipping, or bright dipping operations are carried out
with hydrochloric, sulfuric, phosphoric, and nitric acids. In bright
dips for
brass and aluminum,
phosphoric acid is favored over sulfuric as one of the ingredients.
deposited include: copper, brass, nickel, zinc, cadmium, chromium, silver,
tin, gold, black-nickel, iron, and lead. Although automatic plating
are quite rare, barrel-copper, cadmium, zinc, nickel, and chromium plating
is carried out, as well as periodic reverse-copper plating, indicating
that some of the more recent developments are being adopted. Aluminum
anodizing is performed by the sulfuric acid process or by an oxalic acid
of brass, carbon steel, chromium steel, and aluminum also chemical polishing
of aluminum—is done. Metal coloring to obtain many interesting
effects on electroplated products is an ancient art in Japan and is still
carried on
A review of some of the applications for electroplating in
Japan will furnish a better background from which to examine the industry
in general
and detailed
processes in particular. Copper-nickel-chromium, brass-nickel-chromium,
or copper-chromium bright finishes are used on automobile, truck and
bus parts,
sewing machines, bicycles, electric irons, umbrella stems, clock parts,
and similar products for export or domestic use. Zinc and cadmium are
applied to steel for corrosion resistance, and in a few installations,
a chromic
type bright dip is used after zinc plating to produce a bright finish
resembling chromium. Copper and chromium are deposited on printing rolls
for color
iron and copper are deposited in electroforming printing plates. Hard-chromium
plating on dies, journals, shafts, either to obtain increased service
life or as a repair procedure, is carried on in about the same way it
is in
the United States. Anodized aluminum, with or without dyed or lacquer
finishes of various kinds, is used extensively in the production of aluminum
utensils, trays, and aluminum communication equipment. Silver and gold
of jewelry products, brass cosmetic cases; and other luxury items for
export are carried out. Electropolishing of brass followed by gold plating
used on some of the elements of telephone receivers. Electropolishing
of carbon
steel clock pins and straight chromium steel turbine blades is being
accomplished2. Aluminum reflectors are being produced by electropolishing
and anodizing.
Generally, bright plating solutions are not in use in Japan.
Conventional cyanide solutions for plating brass, copper, zinc, cadmium,
silver, and
gold are employed.
Copper is also plated from acid solutions, and in the Daniell cell,
in which no outside source of electric current is used. The Watt nickel
solution is
used generally, and either the 21 Baumé chromium solution containing
sulfate in the ratio of 100/1, or a room temperature chromium solution
employing ammonium fluoride is used for depositing chromium. A fluoborate
copper solution
in an electrotyping plant, and both lead fluoborate and lead sulfamate
solutions in a refining plant are examples of other solution types
that were observed
being employed.
There are burnishing barrels in use, but barrel finishing
is not well developed. Electricity is more readily available than any
other form
of power and
that fact dictates the choice and design of equipment. Equipment for
electroplating is adequate to handle the solutions and the methods
employed. Generally,
steel or wood tanks are used. Some steel tanks are lined with lead
where such is
necessary. Nickel plating tanks are usually made of wood and lined
with pitch.
Concrete tanks; lined with lead or pitch, are used in the larger anodizing
shops. Rubber or plastic tank linings are not available; neither are
plastic rack coating materials. Solutions are heated by electric immersion
steam coils, coal, or charcoal. Since heat in factories is not general,
tank heating becomes a difficult matter. Power for plating is supplied
by motor
generator sets (see Fig. 4), selenium rectifiers, or mechanical rectifiers.
It is quite common for each plating shop to install its own private
transformer station. This is an added expense to the electroplater.
Solution maintenance
is not a strong point with Japanese electroplaters partly by reason
of the slow speeds of plating, and the kinds of solutions used. There
some solution
filters and a few resin demineralizers to purify the water for precious
metal plating. A few centrifugal dryers, electrically heated,
are in use.
5. Steel bicycle parts, previously brass and nickel plated,
are chromium plated at room temperature in the Tokyo plant
of Miyata Works, Ltd. Lead anodes containing 4 per cent
antimony are used; the tank is steel unlined. A 300 ampere,
10 volt rectifier (right background) furnishes power for
the operation. (Photo Courtesy Products Finishing) |
6. One of the room temperature chromium plating tanks in
the plant of Toyo Dento K.K. The tank is steel, unlined and
lead antimony anodes are used. Racks used for chromium plating
are insulated with a solution of celluloid in amyl alcohol,
and with vinyl chloride tape |
During the course of the author’s term of service in Japan,
it was his privilege to visit a number of electroplating plants and
factories with
departments. The practices and equipment noted in a few of
these will be outlined to serve as illustrations of general conditions
in the Japanese electroplating
One solution not used in the United States, which is used
to a considerable extent in Japan, is the room temperature chromium plating
This bath was observed in operation at both the Tokyo and Matsumoto
of the Miyata
Works, Ltd.3 (see Fig. 5) and at the Toyo Dento K.K.
(The Oriental Electroplating Company). At the Miyata plant steel
bicycle parts
are polished, brass
and nickel plated, and’ then chromium plated for two to three
minutes in the following solution under the operating conditions
Chromic acid 33. 5 oz/gal
Chromium sulfate 0.2 ozlgal
Ammonium fluoborate 0.8 oz/gal
Temperature 77° F
Voltage 4.5 volts
Current density 50 to 70 asf
Anodes lead, 4 per cent antimony
Anode to cathode ratio 3.5
A thickness of 0.00002 to 0.00005 inches is
obtained. Parts to be plated in this solution are nickel buffed with
a white lime
with dry
chalk, racked or wired, dipped in 10 per cent sulfuric acid, water
rinsed, and then chromium plated. Following plating, work is rinsed
in a concentration
or dragout rinse, and then in clear water.
The development of the
room temperature chromium plating solution is attributed to the late Yostio;
Koshino4, and has been described
by Dr. Saliae
Tajima5, 6. Two general types of solution are recommended, with
variations of each
being employed by various shops to suit their own conditions.
The two types of solution
Chromic acid 33.5 to 10.0 oz/gal 48 oz/gal
Ammonium fluoride 0.4 to 0.8 oz/gal 0.8 oz/gal
Chromium sulfate none 0.2 oz/gal
The solution containing ammonium fluoride
only is said to produce a deposit with a dark luster suitable for some
special purposes,
the solution
containing both ammonium fluoride and chromium sulfate produces
the bluish chromium deposit
suited to general use. A solution with a higher chromic acid
concentration exhibits less tendency toward burning and produces
a brighter deposit.
In the plant of the Toyo Dento K.K. such
items as gasoline tank caps, umbrella stems, builders’ hardware, and
automobile bumpers are chromium plated by this method. The solution used
at Toyo Dento is as follows:
Chromic acid 32 oz/gal
Sulfuric acid 0.33 oz/gal
Ammonium fluoride 0.54 oz/gal
Current density 50 asf
Voltage 4.5 volts
Temperature 80° F
Plating is carried out in a plain steel tank (see Fig.
6) and lead anodes containing 11) per cent antimony are used. Advantages
of the low temperature plating process, as outlined by Toyo Dento officials,
include the fact that the low
current density favors plating shop operation during
periods when electric power is restricted. Since nickel is so limited,
very little nickel is applied and the lower current density in chromium
plating prevents peeling of the nickel plate, which might otherwise be experienced
under such
conditions. Job plating shops with varied production
also find the improved throwing power of the low temperature
solution advantageous, since auxiliary
anodes are required less frequently.
7. Small parts for clocks are barrel nickel plated and
then barrel chromium plated 10 minutes in the Seikosha
Works. The drive motor for rotating the barrel at 2 rpm
can be seen in the center background, and, in the right
foreground, can be seen the down-draft exhaust |
8. A view of one of the eight Daniell Cell acid copper plating
tanks in the Yamdto-Gumi plant. Castings are cyanide copper
flashed and then plated 5 to 20 hours in this solution. Electrical
energy is generated in the tank and no external powers employed.
The plating tank is wood, insulated inside and out with asphalt |
Barrel chromium plating is being accomplished in one
plant of the Seikosha Works, largest clock
manufacturer in Japan.
clock parts
of various kinds are first barrel nickel plated
and then chromium plated in the barrel
shown in Fig. 7. The solution used is chromic
acid, 50 oz/gal, and sulfuric
acid in the ratio of 100/1. Plating is carried
out at 35000 amperes for a seven-pound load, ten volts,
a temperature
of 115° F. The barrel, which rotates
at two rpm, is made of nickel chromium steel.
The plating tank is steel, glass lined, and
is jacketed
with a water jacket fitted with steam coils.
As a
matter of information, a barrel chromium plating
process to be operated at 80 to 90° was developed
by Yoshio Koshino, and has been reported in the literature.
This solution contains chromic acid, boric acid,
and ammonium
Hard chromium plating on camera parts, steel molds
for the plastics industry, steel rolls for rubber
mills, wire drawing
dies, paper
drying rolls,
diesel engine crankshafts, pipe forming mandrels,
dies for steel extrusions, and
similar applications, is accomplished in the plant
Koka Chrom a leading hard chromium
plater in the Tokyo area. The solution used is
the conventional bath containing 33 oz/gal chromic acid
and 0.33 oz/gal
sulfate, operated
at 130° F. Articles
to be plated are cleaned by vapor degreasing, immersed
in the solution and treated anodically for five
to fifteen minutes. Plating is then accomplished
in the normal manner at 250 to 500 asf for a sufficient
length of time to produce
the desired thickness. Koka Chrom officials stated
that in some cases plating thicknesses of 0.01
inch were being deposited. Although the plate is
bright, it is buffed with green chrome rouge, in
some cases, to produce a smooth surface.
Lead lined,
steel plating tanks are used, and these
tanks are insulated to minimize heat loss. Electric
heaters maintain operating
temperatures. Plain steel anodes, shaped as required,
are employed.
The iron content
controlled by electrolyzing the solutions, employing
a cathode in a porous cup, when the
plant is not in operation. Ferric hydroxide is
formed at the cathode and retained in the cup.
Some idea
of the size
of the
plant may
be gained from
the fact
that there are eight large chromium plating tanks
installed, and the generator capacity is over 8,000
Daniell Cell acid copper plating seems to be well
suited for copper plating lead antimony alloy
slush castings
which, when
form cigarette
cases, ash trays, jewel boxes, powder boxes,
candy dishes and similar items. Advantages
cited for the process include the claim that
the copper is deposited uniformly all over articles
of intricate
shape, and that as much
as four times the
quantity of work can be plated in a tank at one
time as could
be plated in a conventional
acid copper solution.
In the Yamato-Gumi plant,
the lead antimony castings are buffed, soak cleaned in a hot solution
containing 10 per
cent sodium
hydroxide and
1 per cent
of a mixture of sodium silicate, soda ash and
rosin (see Fig. 2). They are then
rinsed and hand brushed with a fine powder
resembling pumice (see Fig. 3). Racked on simple contact
racks insulated with celluloid tubing,
the castings
are flashed in cyanide copper and hung in the
Daniell cell
copper plating tank (see Fig. 8).
As can be
noted, the “cathode” rods are located along both sides
of the tank, and the “anode” rods
located in the center. Cross bars connect
the anode bar with the cathodes. The plating
is an acid
solution of copper sulfate of about 20° Baumé density.
The skin membrane bags in the center of the
tank contain a dilute solution of sulfuric
acid. Zinc metal is hung inside the skin
bags and connected electrically to the “anode” rod.
As the zinc dissolves in the sulfuric acid,
electrical energy is generated which causes
the copper to be deposited on the articles
hung on the “cathode” bars. A
plating time of from five to twenty hours
is employed.
In twenty hours a plate thickness of approximately
inch can be produced.
9. In the plant of the Seikosha Works carbon steel clock
pivots and small screws are electropolished for 90 seconds
in a mixture of perchloric and acetic acids. Exhaust hoods
are mounted over the small tanks. A 40-volt rectifier furnishes
power for the installation |
10. A view of the electropolishing installation in the Nikko
Kinzoku-Kagaku K.K., one of the two electropolishing Job
shops in Japan. Chromium steel turbine blades, bobbins for
the textile industry, and similar products are electropolished
in a phosphoric-sulfuric-chromic acid solution |
The electropolishing installations visited
in Japan were comparatively small
and specialized in their
work. In
the Seikosha Works,
previously mentioned,
carbon steel clock pivots and small
screws are
electropolished in a perchloric-acetic
acid solution developed by
Jacquet. The laboratory
scale setup (see Fig.
9) consists of three one-gallon
glass tanks fitted with exhaust hoods. Glass cooling
coils around the inside of each
tank hold temperatures below 86° F.
Pivots and
screws are cleaned by tumbling in wood
powder, racked on small spring-type
electropolished for ninety
seconds. They
are then
rinsed in hot
water containing 3 per cent oxalic acid
and dipped in a petroleum base corrosion
One of the two job shops in Japan
organized to perform electropolishing exclusively
is Nikko
Kinzoku Kagaku
K.K. Here, 13 per cent
chromium steel turbine blades,
bobbins for the textile industry, and
similar products are processed. The articles are
given a preliminary
polishing with 200 emery,
and then racked
on stainless
steel racks fitted with brass hooks for
Parts are electropolished
lor one to seven minutes in a solution of:
Phosphoric acid (1.95 sp. gr.)
5 parts
Sulfuric acid (1.80 sp. gr.) parts
Chromic acid 1 part
Water—less than 5 per cent by volume
The solution is operated at 210
to 250° F in heat resistant, acid proof
crocks, as shown in Fig. 10. A
current density of 150 to 400 asf at 20 volts is employed. The president
of Nikko
Kinzoku-Kagaku reported that the electropolishing
solutions had been used for three
years. Additions of sulfuric, phosphoric, or chromic acids are made periodically
as each solution requires.
11. In the communications industry the oxalic acid anodizing
process is employed to impart electrical resistance to
aluminum surfaces. These telephone parts are being anodized
in oxalic acid in the Iwasaki Communications Manufacturing
Company, Ltd. plant. The parts are anodized and sealed—not
dyed |
12. A view of one portion of the anodizing department of
Nasu Aluminium Industry Company, Ltd. The tanks are concrete,
lead lined. When large kettles (right foreground) are anodized,
separate cathodes must be used. The regular graphite cathodes
are fitted with shields and a baffle arrangement to catch
drops of sulfuric acid which rise from the solution on hydrogen
gas bubbles |
The anodizing of aluminum kitchen
utensils and similar products
forms a substantial
section of the finishing
industry in
Japan. In Japan
very thin
metal is used
for kitchenware, and anodizing
is used to minimize corrosion and abrasion
of the article,
also used as a strong
sales point.
The yellow
color is
used to identify good quality
ware. Dr. Sakae Tajima has reported that
are about
100 job anodizing
shops in
the country
in addition to some 200
manufacturers of aluminum ware
who have large anodizing installations
in their
Anodizing solutions of sulfuric
acid or oxalic acid are
The film formed
by the sulfuric acid process
is preferred for articles which are to be dyed,
and the oxalic acid process is
used for articles to be finished in the
anodic coating (see Fig. 11).
in the oxalic acid process, the
electrolyte is 2-6
per cent
oxalic acid,
and anodizing is
carried out in
an asphalt-lined
The solution
is circulated through another
tank for cooling. Aluminum parts
anodized at about 10 asf current
density and
to 100 volts a.c. for forty minutes.
The a.c.
is superimposed
on 15 to 30
volts d.c.
in many
In the operation of the
sulfuric acid process, 15 per cent sulfuric
at a temperature
of 77° F is used. The tank
is usually constructed of concrete,
asphalt or lead lined. Cooling
water is circulated through
lead coils in the tank for
Current density is 10 asf at
15 volts d.c.; anodizing time
is forty minutes. Parts anodized
by either process are steam
sealed at 70 to
75 psi for twenty to thirty
13. Anodized aluminum lunch boxes are dyed the favored
light yellow color by 1-minute immersion in a hot tea solution
in the Nihon Alumilite Company plant. Then the interior
surfaces are dyed bright red, blue, or any desired color
by mounting the boxes in pairs on a suction plate covered
with soft rubber. A vacuum line holds the articles on the
plate while dyeing is accomplished. The rubber prevents
leakage of the dye solution to the inside of the lunch
14. Following anodizing and dyeing, aluminum articles are
sealed in steam at 75 psi. This is a view of one of the three
autoclaves in the plant of Nasu Aluminium Industry Co. Ltd. |
At Nihon Alumilite
Company buffed aluminum lunch
trays, and kitchen
utensils are prepared
for anodizing by
the following process:
1. Degrease
in 5 per cent sulfuric acid at 175° F.
2. Water rinse.
3. Dip in 5 per cent potassium
dichromate, acidified.
4. Water rinse.
Following a sulfuric acid
anodizing operation (see
Fig. 12), parts
are rinsed in cold
water, dyed
for one minute
in a
hot solution
of Japanese
tea, rinsed
(or dyed), dipped in 2
per cent potassium dichromate,
in hot water,
and steam sealed. Many
interesting effects
are obtained
dyeing and
airbrushed lacquer designs
(see Fig. 13). Following
steam sealing
Fig. 14) and
final lacquering, if utilized,
products are buffed lightly
to impart a gloss
to the
surface (see Fig. 15). Open flame gas heaters are used to warm the articles
slightly prior to final buffing.
15. A view of the color buffing line in the plant of Daito
Kinzoku K.K. After steam sealing and lacquering, aluminum
products are buffed lightly on loose buffs, using a lime
compound |
16. A view of the well-arranged plating department in the
plant of Iwasaki Communications Manufacturing Company, Ltd.
The tanks shown are steel, asphalt lined, and are used for
nickel plating |
The Japanese have many groups of technical and management men interested
in electroplating. Their practice appears to favor the organization of
many independent groups, rather than the American method of forming many
branches of a national organization. The societies, as well as the universities,
sponsor classes in electroplating theory and practice. Such efforts are
aiding improvements in plating shop methods and equipment, as illustrated
by the well-arranged plating room shown in Fig. 16. The Japanese are quick
to discover their needs, and most industrious in working to improve their
methods and equipment.
The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance and cooperation of
Dr. Sakae Tajma, in arranging tours to many electroplating plants
and in acting
as interpreter. A sincere expression of appreciation is due also
to the following societies and companies, whose cooperation and assistance
possible the collection of information and photographs appearing
in this article:
- Japanese
Electroplating Society
- Society
of Metal Finishers
- Miyata Works,
- Ohsawa Plating
- Seikosha
- Nippon Kogaku
- Yamato-
- Tohei Plating
- Fukni Denka
- Koka Chrom
- Toppan Printing
- Nasu Aluminium
Industry Company, Ltd.
- Daito Kinzoku
- Nihon Alumilite
- Toyo Dento
- Iwasaki
Communications Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
- Furukawa
Electric Company
- Nikko Kinzoku-Kagaku
1. Sakee Tajima “Anodizing Aluminum with Oxalic Acid’ Products
Finishing 17, No. 3, 42 (1952).
2. Sakee Tajima, “Studies on the Electrolytic Polishing”,
The Japan Science Review 1, No. 4 (1950).
3. Ezra A. Blount, “Bicycle Finishing in Japan”, Products
Finishing 16, No. 9, 88 (1952).
4. Yoshio Koshino “Chromium Plating at Room Temperature”,
Plating (Japan), No. 90 (1949)
5. Sakne Tajima, “Recent Developments in Electrolytic Surface
Treatments”, J. Electrochem. Soc., JapaD, 17, 279 (1949).
6. Sakae Tajima, Metal Finishing 48, No. 6, 95 (1950).
7. Yoshio Koshino, “Barrel Chromium Plating”, Plating (Japan),
No. 114 (1951).
8. Sakae Tajima, private Communication, July, 1952.