Historical Articles, October, 1924


(Oct. 1924, American Electroplaters’ Society Monthly Review)

Greetings to the Membership:

In my message this month I want to bring to your attention "the Spirit of Goodfellowship and ask that this be cultivated among the entire membership in all of our branches." In writing on this subject I am reminded of that old adage: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It also occurs to me while transgressing upon your time that this spirit has been neglected to a considerable degree in the serious trend of our minds while seeking the Power of Education in our Chosen Profession of Electroplating.

A good many of us go to the meetings from month to month, always seeking knowledge of our art, and neglect the social side of our fellows. If we have been going along in this manner we should take a mental inventory of ourselves and decide that it is about time to give some thought to this phase of our associations and change to a certain extent and add to our interest that of our fellows, and remember that a hand shake here and there and a Hello, Jack or Jim or John, how are you and hows the family, and things of that sort, are a wonderful stimulant toward making the spirit of good fellowship a reality, and makes your fellow members feel that you are interested in them further than just to extract some important point or problem in plating from them.

I believe that the Branch Officers and Past Officers should appoint themselves as a permanent social reception committee for every meeting, and I also ask at this time that the debates or discussions be free from all personalities and any feeling other than the fact that we are all trying to solve the problems that confront us daily in our work and respect every members questions and answers, no matter how they may sound, because if we were all wise men, maybe we would not know as much about plating as we do, and as my good friend, Griffith Alexander, has said (dont take yourself too serious):


Whats Life? A story or a song;
A race on any track;
A gay adventure, short or long,
A puzzling nut to crack;
A pit where fortune flouts or stings;
A playground full of fun;
With many any of these things;

With others all in one.
Whats Life? to love these things we see;
The hills that touch the skys.
The smiling sea; the laughing Lea;
The light in womans eyes;
To smile, though games be lost or won;
To earn our daily bread--
And when at last the day is done
To tumble into bed.

Very truly yours,


Supreme President.

Lost by Death

William F. Asimus on September 12th. Died in Rome, N. Y.



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