Historical Articles
October, 1952 issue of Plating
questions of general interest
Q. 145. Will you send us as
much information as possible regarding the exact procedure to hard chromium
plate to a thickness of 0.010 inch on 18 and 8 stainless steel?
A. The best way to handle
stainless today is by using the new Unichrome plating solution. If this is not
available, then reverse etch in a chronic acid etch bath at 100 a.s.f. for 1-5
minutes, depending upon what gives the smoothest results. Then treat as an add-plate
job; that is, build up the current density in the plating solution very slowly
over a period of 15 minutes, to the regular plating current density.ART
Q. 146. We manufacture a product
that consists mainly of small aluminum stampings that should be brightened by
a chemical dip. Could you advise us as to sources of such material?
A. The subject of bright dipping
aluminum was discussed at the Milwaukee Convention of the A. E. S. I and reported
in the 36th Annual Proceedings (1949), page 163 et seq.D. G. FOULKE.
Q. 147.
For the past several months we have been brass I plating a zinc die cast handle
and obtaining very good results. However, due to the addition of another machining
operation we must now replate these handles. Is it necessary to strip the brass
from the handles in the replating process or can we replate without stripping?
A. The practical solution
to this problem is to follow a finishing cycle similar to that required when
the piece was originally finished.... A copper flash must be used in order to
insure adhesion over the machined areas exposing the die cast metal.
A more concise answer cannot be given
as the question is not detailed with such comments as to thickness-of plated
coatings, or whether the parts are polished, lacquered, or other condition.
Stripping of brass plate with a copper
undercoat from zinc die castings can be done electrolytically with ortho-phosphate
solutions that deplate the brass and copper, and passivate the zinc so no etching
occurs or I by oxidation processes such as the sulfide solutions both of the
above made and sold by various chemical houses under their own trade names.GEORGE