Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
(Hard Chrome Plating)

by Larry Zitko, ChromeTech, Inc.
March, 2002

Conforming Anodes for Hard Chrome Plating

Q. What wuld be the etching time for rods? Does it vary based on the size of the rod? Also, what, precisely, are conforming anodes?

A. The time and power levels during the reverse etch activation preplate procedure determine the degree of etch. The degree of reverse etch required for parts varies significantly, depending upon many factors, including:

    • Substrate material (alloy).
    • Heat treatments applied.
    • Carbon content of substrate.

I can't define reverse etch parameters for you without additional part information, and then, it would require that I spend more time than this "Ask The Expert" forum permits.

Regarding conforming anodes, I have taught a lot of people how to fabricate them. The process involves melting ingot lead-alloy, casting "gridmats", forming the gridmats into the proper curvature or shape and welding the gridmats together to build the anode basket. Attachment leads are similarly cast, then welded to the anode body to form a completed anode.

These anodes are more efficient than stick anodes, plate parts at higher current densities and can help to achieve deposits that are more uniform.





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