Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
(Hard Chrome Plating)

by Randy Taylor, Advanced Tooling Corporation
November, 2007

Max Rectifier Capacity Process Charging Limitation

Q. I am writing an Air Quality permit for a Hard Chromium Electroplating plant. I am contracted by Indiana OAQ. We can not find data supporting the assumption of 70% charging of the rectifiers for the purposes of calculating potential to emit of HAPs. Is there a process limitation that is supported by the EPA to accept 70% charging? (not just the NESHAPS suppart N definition).

Thank you for considering answering this question.

A. "Ask the Expert" sought the advice of a colleague to assist with your question, but were unable to come up with an answer. The website, for the volumes, only goes back to 1994. We believe the answer may lie within preliminary assessment volumes which were published just before proposing the NESHAP in 1993. These included all their (EPA) testing and analysis at chrome shops around the country.




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